Introducing Replay Reviews
When I was a kid, I was fascinated with old issues of The APBA Journal.
My dad had a small collection of issues that he kept in our basement. While other kids would read cereal boxes and newspaper comics while they ate, my favorite thing to look through was those old newsletters.
This column was always my favorite:
There’s something really interesting about reading somebody else’s replay report. It’s fascinating to look at the statistics, to see how things compared to real life, and to read about a pennant race that never actually happened.
Sometimes the writeups were very detailed, including all sorts of information about pennant races and dramatic finishes. Sometimes there was nothing but statistics. But I was always able to find something to get interested in.
And that’s why I’m going to start a weekly feature here on this blog. We’re going to go through old replays, one per week, and are going to talk about them.
There are a lot of these out there. In addition to the old publications, there are a number of replays that live in the depths of the Delphi Forum structure, as well as other projects on forums devoted to specific games.
I’m still gathering together a tally of everything. I’ll do my best to mix up games and authors.
If there’s a replay you have that you would like to see featured here, please contact me. You can reply to this email, or you can find me on most forums, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and so on. I’m interested in completed replays, but they can be of any variety — including projects that extend beyond a single season, tournaments, or anything wacky or creative.