Introduction to Greatest Teams Lists
As you may have noticed, I really like thinking about the greatest baseball teams of all time. I’m interested in methods to identify them, theories about creating a fair environment for them to play against each other, and projects in which people have attempted to do this.
I’m planning on using some space here in the coming months to go through existing lists of the greatest teams of all time.
There are numerous lists out there, ranging from books that have been published on the subject to game companies that have created their own card sets and disks with these teams. Though books on the subject sadly seem to have become fewer and further between after around the year 2000, it’s still quite common for baseball sims to include some sort of scenario involving some of the greatest teams of all time.
I don’t really have many rules to this project. I just want to look through these lists, point out things that are interesting, and hopefully create a place for others to easily access this stuff.
Look for more in the near future!