Meta Post
We had a slight emergency at home yesterday. Our internet went out in the afternoon, and it took about 24 hours for access to be restored.
As a result, I’ve skipped a video for a day. I’ll be back with a new one tomorrow.
I thought I’d write briefly about a few meta related topics. I’ll keep this short.
Recent Changes To The Project
As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve moved away from unedited play by play videos and towards doing semi-scripted videos with better editing.
Without getting too much into how the sausage is made, I want to assure you that there is a method to my madness.
As much fun as it is to do play by play, those videos do not attract a large audience, generally are not watched all the way through by anybody, and tend to prevent my channel from expanding.
Sadly, the same is true of posts that focus on individual games I’ve played. The truth is that this blog tends to attract the most followers when I write about Clifford Van Beek’s National Pastime game — except for the post I made about Jackson Holliday the other day.
As much as we want to think that people care about individual games in our own projects, the numbers don’t really support that.
But that doesn’t mean I’m stopping the projects. Rather, I’m trying to figure out ways to create content from the projects I’ve got that appeals to a more general baseball sim audience.
As an added bonus, YouTube’s algorithm has been much more generous with my videos as audience retention and watch time has increased.
If you’re doing your own YouTube videos around baseball sims, you might want to take notes on that front. I firmly believe that there is a strong audience out there for this content. However, I’m not seeing a lot of signs that people want to spend 30 minutes to an hour (or even longer) watching somebody else play a game. Creativity is the key.
How To Support The Baseball Replay Journal
I want to thank all paying subscribers to this blog for your generous support! Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or recommendations you might have.
Actually, everybody can contact me, whether paying or not. The simplest way is to reply to the emails you receive. There are other ways to get hold of me, as some of you know, including email, Delphi Forums, Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms.
There are a few other options for financial support as well.
For example, I’m playing around with membership options on YouTube itself, if you wish to support me there. This includes members only videos, polls, posts, and other similar content.
I’m also looking into ways to expand my offerings on Patreon. I’ll let you know as things develop.
However, the best way to support this project is to share posts and videos that you enjoy. This helps this project become more visible. I like to think that this blog could serve as a conduit to help make baseball sims more popular. The more widely it is spread, the more likely it is that we can meet this goal.
Thank you to all those who have read, commented, or contacted me in any way! Things will be back to normal tomorrow.
I think the edit approach likely will work the best. I have enjoyed what you have done that way so far. You can pick the game and the game moments and attach it to the narrative you want to tell.