Snuffy Stirnweiss and Replay Randomness
I’ll be blunt. I had never heard of Snuffy Stirnweiss before starting this project.
I don’t think you can blame me. Stirnweiss saw his best years during the war, when the star players were off in Europe:
However, his statistics in this 1949 replay are absolutely bizarre. Check this out:
Snuffy has appeared in 6 games. He has only 10 at bats, however. He’s walked an amazing 9 times in his 21 plate appearances.
He has 0 hits, which is crazy, especially since he has a .474 on base percentage. He’s also struck out 4 times.
He also managed to lay down two successful sacrifice bunts.
This means that less than half of his plate appearances have been official at bats. In addition, he’s achieved one of the “three true outcomes” in 13 of those 21 plate appearances, which in itself must be some sort of record.
Yeah, I know, I know, the sample size is small. But, still, this is something worth mentioning. I don’t think I’ve seen this in any project anywhere.
On the one hand, I start asking myself if there isn’t something wrong here. Was his event table miscalculated? Is there something wrong with the random number generator in my computer? Maybe the fact that he’s the only major league baseball plaer named Snuffy might have something to do with it.
On the other hand, his strange achievement is actually pretty cool. Like I said, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. It’s this sort of thing that makes playing replays so much fun.