The Day The Fans Took Over The Field
The all time record for doubles hit in a single game came in the second game of a doubleheader on July 12, 1931.
The Cubs went into Sportsman’s Park, which held about 34,000 fans. Over 46,000 showed up.
Interestingly enough, the teams had an idea that this would happen:
Now, I should make it clear that this wasn’t exactly a game in a gripping pennant race. The Cardinals actually had a sizeable lead, and the Cubs were in 4th place.
In the end, so many fans showed up that the game was really a farce.
I’m not sure what more can be said, other than that this was one of the most bizarre games in baseball history. I know that the Cardinals didn’t want to turn away any paying customers due to the financial state of the club. But, seriously, this was ridiculous.