This is quite surprising, Daniel. I wonder how Derek came to that conclusion. There's a lot to like about DMB--its accuracy and baseball realism, it's ease of play, and its bug-free programming. But, to me, Diamond Mind's play-by-play is what distinguishes it from all other baseball simulation games. As you indicated, Jack Wood is largely responsible for Diamond Mind's PBP. Even before Jack & DMB parted ways, the game's PBP was richer, more in-depth, and more detailed than was available with any other sim. Since Jack left, he and Kerry Leibowitz have put together a program that expands on what the game already provided. Among other things, it provides references to the names of radio announcers, coaches, umpires, and a large array of park specific references. All of this makes playing DMB an amazingly immersive experience.

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You're absolutely right, Mike. I've got more great play-by-play snippets coming along. The quality of Diamond Mind's play-by-play simply blows every other baseball simulation out of the water – it isn't even close.

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