The way I'm reading that TSN article, the eight writers could only vote for one member of each team, their "most valuable". So players on a team like Detroit where there was no general agreement as to their most valuable were doomed to also-ran status. (The vote count from the Sporitng News, which you didn't reproduce, would have given the number of votes -- first, second, third, etc. -- for each player, which would allow me to confirm or reject that reading. FWIW, the three Detroit players, Cochrane, Gehringer and Rowe, combined for 63 points, more than Gehrig and (presumably) Gomez.)

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That's a really good point - and that's something I missed.

The Sporting News didn't give the vote count for each writer, nor did it break down the vote total by numbers of first place votes, second place votes, and so on. Gehrig wound up with 51 points; Bill Werber of the Red Sox with 34, and then Cochrane with 29.

Werber, a former Yankee, is probably the biggest surprise here. He led the American League with 40 stolen bases and hit .321 with power.

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